Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog #10

 BLOG # 10

The age of Artificial intelligence


The evolution of technology over the recent years remains monumental in aiding human performance across different areas, including communication and entertainment. More specifically, artificial intelligence (AI) has been integral in helping us perform tasks more effectively while also being highly useful in areas highly limiting human performance, such as the security and safety industry. Consequently, the evident privileges of AI equally attract different dangers associated with causing significant harm to the security and safety of the same people it was invented to protect. The unregulated control of this harm results from the ever-evolving technological field and lack of knowledge from a vast majority of the human population on the abilities of AI. Thus, the nature of artificial information and its implementation means that organizations and private and public entities possess a better than the typical role in collecting, using, and protecting their client's information, thus resulting in privacy issues concerning implementation and the security of user data. 


Human versus Technology

The Internet is continually evolving, and the capabilities of technology wow everybody. AI, in particular, epitomizes the potentiality of this digital era, with daily inventions sprouting daily. AI is anchored explicitly on big data technology.  Big data is typically described as the three ‘Vs.’ of volume, variety, and velocity (West & Allen, 2018).  In light of this, AI makes more data analysis more powerful regarding its ability to expand the volume, variety, and velocity of information in every aspect of our lives, putting privacy into the limelight as a world public issue that counters the human ability to mitigate it. For instance, photo recognition systems have offered a new dimension of previewing different privacy issues through captured photos. Hence, some government agencies could access your personal information by marching your photo captured from an airport using machine recognition to retrieve data. While such technologies can be instrumental for safety purposes, such as tracking criminals, you can hardly tell the amount of your information that is accessed by different interested parties, whether for good or worse. It is beyond your control, and you can hardly do much. 

Adjusting to the World of Uncertainties 

As evidenced from the YouTube video ‘The age of AI,’ it is evident that this technology has its worth of benefits. However, these advantages would be more relevant if everything is personalized in a way that an individual uses the devices; without having to customize it ourselves. For instance, tracking the applications when we use them while managing external data access. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the present AI age, which regularly makes us vulnerable to privacy infiltrations.



AI presents a myriad of opportunities that makes our lives easier. Their efficiency will undoubtedly continue to evolve, courtesy of developing technologies. However, I am privy to the dangers it presents to our privacy, and unless proper policies are outlined for limiting its use in our daily lives ultimately controls us instead of us managing it. Technology is manageable, but the current trends prove that we have a long way to control AI efficiently. 


West, D., & Allen, J. (2018). How artificial intelligence is transforming the world.

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