Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog #3



Eight Values of Free Expression


The eight values of free expression are crucial as they guide how people behave in society. The values outline how people should conduct themselves in society and the tenets they must follow to coexist without issues. The eight values of free expression are discovery of truth, freedom to participate in self-government, enjoying stable change, having self-fulfilment, checking of government in power, advancing tolerance and innovation, and protecting dissent. When people can freely express themselves, it leads to the advancement of justice and wellbeing in society. Various bodies, such as the United Nations, advocate for freedom of expression, a human right. Therefore, freedom of expression should be advanced as a universal human right.

Think About Which One Resonates Most With You

The value of protecting dissent is one that I find mostly resonating with me. I believe that I should be allowed to express what I think, provided it does not affect the rights of others. A society that does not allow people to say what they think is likely dictatorial. Amnesty International (2022) noted that a government that tolerates contrary views or critical voices indicates how they treat human rights. I have seen people being arrested in some countries because of saying contrary to what those in authority do not support. In the 21st century, limiting what people say should be a thing of the past, and allowing contrary views promotes human rights. 

Which Ones Feel Most Important?

Freedom of expression in media is crucial in the proper running of governments. The media is known as the fourth estate because it can disclose to people some things that those in power may conceal. We learn about significant scandals and corrupt deals in government through the media. Therefore, without the media, society will likely be controlled by ‘rotten’ authority and ultimately fail to progress. 


 Which Ones Feel Most Personal To You? 

I feel the value of allowing freedom of dissent is most personal to me. If I cannot air my voice concerning things happening in society, I will feel my rights are violated. I should be able to condemn things that I feel are not moral in society without any condemnation.


Which one do you see in action today? (You can choose more than one.)

The promotion of tolerance is one thing that is in action today. In modern society, some behaviours have arisen that sometimes as a society, we may find sometimes disturbing. An example of such an issue is the advancement of the religious tolerance agenda. Some sections of society are yet to embrace Islam as a religion, with the recent Hijab ban in some counties that counter the spread of Islam by introducing islamophobic set of laws. Some media houses have reported that muslims are being treated horribly in some places. China does not allow Uighers to practice normal Islamic rituals, and those found advancing the religion may face restrictions and even attacks. OIC, an islamic world governing body, has been part of the discussion and notes that it would issue a public refusal to any political action against minority muslims in Christian-dominant countries. The head of the Organization has repeatedly called for tolerance and understanding, yet some still continue to push for an intolerant agenda. This religious restriction shows that not all nations tolerate other people's freedom of religion . The United Nations should act to ensure tolerance is exercised in all parts of the world.


Amnesty International. (2022). Freedom of expression.

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