Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog #9

 BLOG #9

Media Sphere –Alternative Media


The media sphere primarily entails a collection of various world media, both broadcasted and published. These include journals, novels, books, press releases, citizen journalism, alternative media, online influencers, Echo Chambers, blogospheres, and whistle-blowers. I am particularly intrigued by alternative media because of its distinctiveness from other dominant and established forms of media regarding its content, distribution, and production. In essence, alternative media is not attached to a specific organization and remains one of the few genuinely independent media forms due to its avoidance of any restrictions and barriers on its news and information. In a world keen on freedom of speech and expression, alternative media provides the best platform for a free press. 

A Community That Accommodates Everyone

Alternative media is the most accommodative form of media fair and accessible to everyone. If you connect to various alternative media platforms, such as the earlier identified website, you realize that this media openly challenges the mainstream media by connecting minorities or isolated societies. In essence, offering alternative messages and viewpoints is proving to be more crucial because mainstream news tends to fall into the control of a few individuals (Holt et al., 2019). Thus, having a media form that seems alternative for all creates a sense of connection among individuals not commonly established through the mainstream media. Over recent years, the continued evolution of the Internet and social platforms provided an unprecedented opportunity for rallying together a media platform not conformed to a particular ideology or political or social inclinations. I firmly believe that the growth of alternative media provides the required access to different opportunities for sharing news and information currently unavailable through the mainstream media, cumulatively improving the community through the involvement of all, both rich and poor, as well as old and young. 

The Generator of an Identify For Diversity and Inclusivity

As a young person, I hardly identify with the mainstream media because I rarely relate to many issues outlined in these media forms. However, having peer platforms where as a reader, I can also contribute my views makes me feel included in discussions, and no platform offers this privilege better than alternative media. Notably, as the Internet continues unravelling into the farthest reaches of the world, the strength of the future alternative media will rely on its ability to detail the events across a specific time and place, with more focus being at the grassroots and local levels (Kenix 2011). In light of this, people can relate and identify with issues affecting them more inclusively. On the other hand, the lack of restrictions and censorship makes this alternative media prone to misinformation from different areas, ultimately affecting its authenticity.  


Alternative media as a media sphere creates a valuable source of information that can rejuvenate how messages are shared across the globe. The mainstream media is insufficient to cater to the needs and preferences of the already segmented societies; hence alternative media bridges this gap by connecting with respective societies and groups more inclusively. I look forward to seeing this space grow, hoping its autonomy will reduce the prevalence of misinformation on media platforms. 


Holt, K., Ustad Figenschou, T., & Frischlich, L. (2019). Key dimensions of alternative news media. Digital Journalism7(7), 860-869.

Kenix, L.J. (2011). The future alternative media. Observation, 5(1), 187-214.

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