Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog post#2



Reflection- Supreme Court History 


The History article on the United States Supreme Court is highly insightful and engaging concerning the journey taken by this important component of our criminal justice system. Upon reflecting on its provisions, I can deduce critical takeaways and much new information that I hardly knew. I find this article useful as it relates to the different facets that our Supreme Court has undergone, making it easier to understand the current system and how we got here. Pointedly, I found it more interesting to learn that just like other key arms of the US government, the Supreme Court also had to undergo checks and balances to be constitutional, which I thought never happened for such a sensitive government body. Therefore, the History article provides clear background information on US Supreme Court while suggesting resources for further research on this important institution of our nation. 

The String Holding the Nation Together

Different government bodies play vital roles in our government, but the sensitivity and the magnitude of the functions performed by the Supreme Court make it special. The most critical takeaway gained from this article is the job and purpose of the Supreme Court.  The most prominent responsibility of the Supreme Court is to establish, edit and evaluate the laws following the United States Constitution. Essentially, the Supreme Court bears ultimate jurisdiction over all laws within the United States and is responsible for evaluating the constitutionality of those laws (Television Network, 2022). When you think about the magnitude of this obligation, you get a clearer picture of the sensitivity of the mandate given to our Supreme Court, thus understanding the rigors involved in establishing our appellate court—to a great extent, expediting those mandates requires unwavering devotion and commitment an aspect that motivates me to put more efforts in my studies to add proficiency in my area of specialization.


Service for Life!

It was a surprise to learn that once appointed as a Supreme Court judge; you serve your entire life. Initially, I presumed that the term of Supreme Court justices is limited, just like those of the holders of government positions or the presidency. This fact outlines the essence and the honour accorded to the Supreme Court justices. The longevity involved in serving the Supreme Court means that not many people have had the opportunity of serving the nation in this capacity. Television Network (2022) notes that as of June 2022, only 115 judges have served the nation at the Supreme Court. On the other hand, these small high court justices and their long terms made me question the frequency of the generation of new ideas, given that the same individuals serve the nation for these extended periods. 



The US Supreme Court is an important institution of our nation and learning its scope, functions and how it is composed gives me a fulfilling satisfaction. Presently, I feel more informed with my new understanding of the Justice System, defining my perceptions of the Supreme Court differently than I initially thought. Understanding the structure of a vital organization in your country provides a lifetime enlightenment that you carry along with you in your different facets as a patriotic citizen. 


Television Network. (2022, June 24). Supreme Court

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