Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog #7

 BLOG #7

Diffusion of Innovations


The diffusion theory provides one of the most intriguing paradigms for outlining the spread of innovation across a population. I find it quite fascinating, given its origins in communications of explaining how, over a while, an innovation acquires momentum, diffusing through a particular population segment. The key idea of this theory is that individuals, as part of a specific social system, end up adopting a new idea or product. In light of this, adoption means that an individual does something differently than they were previously accustomed to, such as acquiring a new product, which is practically through diffusion. Several examples exist that can elucidate this theory in depth, though this blog's key focus is analysing the video games theory through the diffusion theory lens. 


Play With a Machine 

Video games are a relative innovation considering the longevity of similar technologies and their continued evolution and increasing influence over recent years. In essence, presently, there are hundreds of millions of persons that have transitioned into ardent gamers.  Principally, video games allow individuals to escape from the real world via great entertainment that can consume considerable time (Hernández et al., 2017). Presently, video games have emerged as indispensable technological innovations for several Americans, Europeans, and Asian as well as the most extensive leisure form while generating billions of returns in the business world.


More Than a Virtual Experience

Notably, upon the introduction of video games a few decades ago, they were considered an entertainment activity, a hobby that someone could indulge in their leisure time. Similarly, they were considered unhealthy by a vast majority as people took much time sitting down rather than engaging in more active activities. However, with time and continued developments in technological innovations, more individuals started embracing it and investing more time in video games and improving their effect on human health. Despite being initially considered a male game, more women started getting involved in video games (Hernández et al., 2017). Global technological giants such as Sony took huge leaps into the development of video games, for instance, the PlayStations that provided gamers with the opportunities to get entertained playing individually or with loved ones, making the game more of a recreation activity. 



Video games represent a perfect example of the relevance of diffusion theory’s practicability in the modern world. Innovators of this game mark the first persons to adopt it, thus generating new interest in developing new ideas, as evidenced by the improvement of video games. Consequently, at the start, a considerable group of individuals were sceptical of video games; hence, those who adopted them early remained the nearest to the social system, a point of reference for most people who adopted them later, such as women. The diffusion, in this case, transpired with increased influences from the innovators, early adopters, and finally, late adopters, influenced by the first two, thus making the adoption of this innovation reach a significant market segment. Therefore, the diffusion of video games into the world today is because of the strides made by different players in the sector. 


Hernández, J. F., Cano Gómez, Á. P., & Parra Meroño, M. C. (2017). Diffusion of innovation: How the use of video games can increase the adoption of new technologies. Sphera Publica17(1), 25-46.

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